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Child Care Financial Assistance

The Child Care Financial Assistance Program, also known as subsidy, can help your family pay for child care.

Who Is Eligible

To be eligible, your family must:

  1. Have an accepted service need (reason) for child care,
  2. Meet the 2024 income guidelines (effective 4/7/2024),
    • The income guidelines are waived for children adopted who have an Adoption Assistance Agreement through the VT Department for Children and Families and legal guardians who receive a Reach Up Child Only grant.
    • Please note that the income guidelines will change again in October 2024.
  3. Live in Vermont, and
  4. Have less than $1 million in assets.

If Your Application Is Approved

  • We let you know how much CDD will pay, for how many hours, and for what period. 
  • We send authorized payments directly to your provider.
  • You pay your provider any co-payment you are responsible for.

How To Apply

  1. Complete the paper application.
  2. Complete any additional forms that are required.
  3. Gather copies of any required verification documents.
  4. Send your completed materials to your local community child care support agency.

If you get Reach Up, ask your case manager if they can authorize Child Care Financial Assistance for you. If they can, you won't have to complete an application.

What Happens Next

  1. Your local community child care support agency will determine your eligibility.
  2. If eligible, assistance may begin on the date they received your fully completed application.
  3. If you provide an email address on your application, all communication regarding your application will be accessed through the CDDIS Family Portal. See the CDDIS Family Portal Login Guide for help logging in.

Where To Get Help

Staff in your local community child care support agency can:

  • Answer your questions and help you apply.
  • Provide copies of any forms you need to fill out.
  • Help you find a child care provider if you don’t already have one.

young girl being held by an adult