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Individual Career Advancement Network

The Individual Career Advancement Network (ICAN) offers free employment and training supports to eligible Vermonters.

Who Is Eligible

People who receive 3SquaresVT and do not receive Reach First, Reach Up, Reach Ahead, or Post-Secondary Education (PSE).

If you receive Reach First, Reach Up, Reach Ahead, or PSE, contact your Reach Up case manager for information about participant reimbursements and employment services. 

If You Sign Up

ICAN can help you:

  • Gain new job skills and work experience
  • Work towards industry certification
  • Learn job-landing skills like resume writing & interviewing
  • Access the internet, printers, and copiers
  • Conduct job searches
  • Connect to employers who are hiring
  • Find and get ready for the right job
  • Pay for things like child care, clothes, school supplies, and transportation
  • Meet your monthly 3SquaresVT work requirement if you have one

How To Sign Up

Complete the Getting Started With ICAN Webform.

Read the ICAN Participant Handbook.

Please note: Households who may qualify for Reach First, Reach Up, Reach Ahead or PSE may be required to apply for those programs while enrolled in ICAN.

Here is the ICAN Participant Reimbursement Agreement form.

Resources for ICAN Partners