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Registered Family Child Care Home

Application Process

Follow the steps in this application process to start a small child care business in a private home.

  1.  Review the relevant licensing regulations.
  2. Complete the preliminary online application.
  3. You will be asked to submit additional paperwork.
  4.  Complete the following:
    1. One Child Care Program Record Check Authorization Form for each person in the home and other caregivers over 15.
    2. A Census Form listing everyone in the home.
  5. Submit your completed forms to your Child Care Business Technician.
  6.  Once we get your completed application, we'll enter it into the data system and process the criminal record checks.
  7. If we approve your preliminary application, a licensing field specialist will visit your home.
  8. You may need to complete some additional steps identified during the visit.
  9. We will process your application.

If You Have Questions

    Application Resources