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IDEA Part C - Early Intervention Reports

Vermont's Children's Integrated Services (CIS), Early Intervention (EI) services in accordance with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C, must assure the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) through a series of reports that funds are being spent wisely and that the program is making a positive difference in the lives of children and families for whom serves.

State Performance Plan (SPP) / Annual Performance Report (APR)

Each year CIS-EI must submit an SSP/APR. The SSP/APR demonstrates CIS-EI's progress in meeting its annual targets. Based on OSEP's review of the SSP/APR post-submission, CIS-EI has an opportunity to revise its SSP/APR (typically in April) to address OSEP's specific requests for clarification, additional information, and/or corrections and to re-submit a revised SSP/APR within seven to 10 days.

OSEP Differentiated Monitoring and Support (DMS)

State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)

The SSIP identified a State Identified Measurable Result (SIMR) that would improve outcomes and quality of life for infants and toddlers receiving CIS-EI services.

Child Exits Data

Annually in November, CIS-EI must report the number of children who exited EI services in the previous year and why the children exited.

Resolution of Complaints

Data on complaints, mediations, and hearings.

Child Count

Annually in April, CIS-EI must report the number of children active in the program on December 1 of the previous year.

Regional CIS-EI Data

Shows each regional CIS-EI program’s progress in meeting the annual targets in the SPP/APR.

Please Note: While OSEP and CIS-EI state and regional agency staff use the data to determine the degree of compliance and performance of CIS-EI and each regional CIS-EI program, it is critical to be cautious in using the data to make general assumptions. The data is part of a larger “story” and should not be interpreted in isolation. You can use the data to:

  • Promote discussions about program improvements and the meaning and use of the data within the context of program services.
  • Provide key information to develop action plans that lead to program improvement.
  • Highlight statewide and individual program strengths and areas for improvement.

Vermont's Applications for IDEA Part C Funds

Public Comment Period

You may submit comments regarding the 2025 application before the deadline of April 29, 2025. To submit your comments, please email or mail your comments to Attn: Children’s Integrated Services Unit, Child Development Division, NOB 1 North, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-1040.

Additional Information