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Requests From Individuals

Under Vermont law, you may request a search of Vermont's Child Protection Registry on yourself if you believe you've been substantiated for child abuse/neglect.

How do I request a search?

  1. Complete a Request for a Child Protection Registry Check: SELF.
  2. Have the form notarized by an official notary public.
  3. Mail your completed form, by US Postal Service, to the address at the bottom of the form.   
  4. If you've chosen to get the results by mail, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

What happens next?

  1. If you're entitled to a search, we'll do our best to complete it within 25 business days. 
  2. We'll notify you of our findings in writing.
  3. If your name is found on the registry, we'll tell you:
    • the date and nature of the finding, and
    • the process for challenging a substantiation and requesting an expungement.

Department for Children and Families
Child Protection Registry 
280 State Drive
HC 1 North, Building B
Waterbury, VT  05671-1080