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Trainings & Webinars

Training materials from events and projects sponsored by the Vermont Office of Economic Opportunity.

Discussions on Poverty

Behavioral Economics Housing First Program
Building Financial Security for Your Clients Is Poverty Making Us Sick?
Collective Impact in the NEK Poverty and Opportunity Training Forum - 2024 Forum | 2023 Forum
Do you have enough to eat? Universal Children's Savings Accounts
Emerging adults in Vermont War on Poverty at 50
Ending the Injustice of Hunger & Malnutrition Women and Poverty in Vermont
Feet on the Street Housing Retention  

OEO Webinars

Bed Bugs 101  PDF Hoarding Issues  l  PDF
Cash Request Presentation Housing Access for People with Criminal Records  PDF
Reasonable AccommodationsCriminal Records
Employment Panel: FSH CARES Housing Protections Required by Violence Against Women Act
End of Moratorium Eviction  PDF
Notice to Quit Application Fees
Substance Use Disorders, Intervention, Treatment & Recovery l PDF
Fair Housing & Homeless Shelters Substance Use Disorders, System of Care and Partnerships  l PDF
Financial Capability With FSH & CARES Supporting Kids: Homeless Service & Education Partnerships
Food Insecurity   WIC  3SquaresVT Transitional Housing Partner Training & Other Resources
Getting to Approval for Subsidized Housing  l PDF Understanding ADA & Reasonable Accommodation
HOME Family Housing Voucher Program Landlord Relief Program 
Vermont Shelters Covid-19 Guidance | PD Heat and Unhoused Vermonters

Your Money Your Goals Toolkit

The Your Money Your Goals Toolkit, created by the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau, can help you have money conversations with your clients. Download the toolkit, order a printed copy & access training resources.
The videos below were produced by Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO).
Bills and Budgets Setting Goals with Participants
Credit Reports What Why and How! Setting your Goals
Debt Management Spending and Savings The Big Picture
Introduction to Your Money, Your Goals Starting the Debt/Credit Conversation
Making Incentives Work Starting Savings
Managing credit Talking to the Participant
Resources for Paying Down & Avoiding Debt Tracking and Analyzing the Tracking Data
Self Assessments Coaching and Counseling