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Addressing and Preventing Unsheltered Homelessness

An apartment complex in a field


Legislative Reports

Past Communications


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As an Agency we are committed to serving the most vulnerable and know the ending of the pandemic-era program was a major transition for individuals, households, and our staff.  AHS is committed to taking steps to address the transition and strengthen our systems and move forward in making meaningful, long-lasting change for Vermonters. We know this is not easy, and we know it is not perfect, but isolating those experiencing homelessness in hotels without access to services is not the answer.

This page provides information and resources for impacted individuals and families, communities, and the media.


GA Emergency Housing Program

Data and information about the GA Emergency Housing Program will be updated weekly below.

Please note that any data point that has an asterisk (*) means the numbers were redacted due to count size to protect the privacy of program participants.

Table – Household Information by Eligibility Category as of March 24, 2025

Category Currently Eligible
Age 65+ 105
Death of Spouse or Minor Child *
Disability 521
Domestic Violence 59
Families with Children 304
Court Ordered / Constructive Eviction 36
Natural Disaster (Fire, Flood, Hurricane) *
Pregnant 25
Disability Variance 379
Grand Total 1439

Table – District Data Breakdown as of March 24, 2025

District Rooms Households Adults Children
Barre District Office 169 167 212 39
Bennington District Office 186 183 231 89
Brattleboro District Office 235 228 295 63
Burlington District Office 278 277 344 103
Hartford District Office 81 81 99 20
Middlebury District Office 13 13 13 *
Morrisville District Office 27 26 33 14
Newport District Office 25 25 27 *
Rutland District Office 250 242 318 121
Springfield District Office 73 73 91 19
St Albans District Office 73 73 82 *
St Johnsbury District Office 51 51 64 16
Grand Total 1461 1439 1809 500

*Redacted due to count size

Past weekly eligibility tables

Pandemic-Era GA Emergency Housing Program

Data on the number of households eligible as part of the Pandemic-Era GA Emergency Housing Program is available for May 24, 2023, through April 22, 2024.

Past weekly eligibility tables

Please note the numbers in the tables do not reflect the number of households that were served in all DCF housing programs.

Coordinated Entry

Coordinated Entry is a system to streamline access to housing support services and resources for individuals experiencing a housing crisis. The system was developed to assess and match households experiencing homelessness for eligible services based on vulnerability, sustainability, and length of homelessness through a standardized, scored assessment. A monthly dashboard provides data on the number of individuals served, types of households, and established performance measures for each region in Vermont.

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View the Dashboard

Important To Note About the Dashboard

  • The dashboard includes data about those served through the GA Emergency Housing Program to the extent those households have completed the Coordinated Entry Assessment. Not all households in GA have completed the Coordinated Entry Assessment and the data is not deduplicated.
  • Not all households currently experiencing homelessness are in Coordinated Entry.
  • The data in the dashboard is not intended to be a comprehensive report on all households experiencing homelessness in Vermont, however, it is the best proxy available.
  • The data is primarily self-reported and based on initial assessment when a household enters Coordinated Entry.
  • Survivors who access Coordinated Entry through a victim service provider will not be represented in the dashboard, as those providers are statutorily prohibited from entering data into the system. 

Legislative Reports

Past DCF Communications


Where to Get Help

  • The Coordinated Entry Lead Agencies in your area can help you find or keep housing if you are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
  • If you are a GA program participant, please contact the Economic Services Division at 1-800-479-6151.
    • If you contacted the Economic Services Division and still need assistance, please contact your local Field Service Director.
      • If you contacted the Field Service Director and still need assistance, please call the AHS Central Office at 802-241-0440.
  • If you would like to email information about a case, please send it to
  • For media inquiries, please email