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Reports & Plans

3SquaresVT Annual Outreach Plans
FFY2024 FFY2023 FFY2022 FFY2021 FFY2020 FFY2019 FFY2018
State Plan for the Replacement of Stolen EBT Benefits (2023)

Reach Up Assessment Reports
Analysis of Families Participating in Reach First (2013)
Analysis of Reach Up Use Patterns Since 1991 (2020)
Analysis of Varied Welfare Use Patterns Over Two Decades by Vermont Families (2013)
Indicators of Child Well-Being Among Reach Up Families in 2013 & 2014 (2017)
Prior Experiences Linked To How Long Families Starting Reach Up in 2002-2007 Remained In Program (2018)
Reach Ahead: Impacts of the First Five Years of Vermont’s Welfare-to-Work Transition Program (2014)
Report on the Assets, Goals & Challenges of Families Receiving Reach Up in Vermont (2020)
Use of Emergency Housing Program by families receiving Reach Up (2017)
Vermont MOMS Partnership Evaluation Report (2023)

Reach Up Legislative Reports
Link to recent legislative reports on the DCF Website
Link to older legislative reports on the Vermont State Assembly's website

Reach Up Data
Reach Up Demographics | FFY 2023FFY2022
Reach Up Barriers | FFY 2023 | FFY 2022
Reach Up Employment & Wage | FFY 2023 | FFY2022
Reach Up Time Limits | FFY 2023 | FFY2022
Reach Up Benefit Calculation | FFY 2023 | FFY2022
Reach Up Work Participation Rate | FFY 2023 | FFY2022

Reach Up Plans
Vermont Work Verification Plan  

Reach Up Federal Reports
Building a Trauma-Informed Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program: An Evaluative Toolkit
ACF-202 Overall 2023
ACF-202 2-Parent 2023

TANF State Plan Renewal
2021-24 2018-21 2015-18  2012-15

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