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Funding Opportunities For Providers & Programs

Each funding opportunity has its own eligibility criteria and requirements.

VT Act 76 Readiness Payment Program

The 2023 Child Care and Early Childhood Education law (Act 76) created the Readiness Payment Program to support family child care homes, center-based child care and preschool programs, and afterschool programs to "get ready" for the expansion of the Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP) and other changes in Act 76. Programs have flexibility in how they use the payments to support stability, expansion, and quality.

The program has now ended. If you participated, please complete the survey below.

Program Overview


Program Survey

Vermont Afterschool Mini Grants

Together with the Child Development Division, Vermont Afterschool is now accepting applications for a third round of (Mini) Room For Me Grants. Applications for awards up to $10,000 will be accepted on a rolling basis until all $150,000 in grant funds have been awarded.

The Mini Room For Me Grant is designed to maintain the amount of school-age child care slots that are available or have newly opened across Vermont. Regulated child care programs and providers that accept Child Care Financial Assistance are eligible to apply. Current and past Room For Me Grantees are also eligible to apply for this round of grants.

Projects can be maintenance work, repair work, quality improvement aligned with STARS. or other program needs. Funds are aimed at sustainability of slots for small projects that are already in the planning stages to maintain or mitigate impact on programs. We encourage applications with projects that are ready to be implemented and will help programs sustain slots and enhance quality.

Program Overview

Apply Now!

Special Accommodation Grants

Special Accommodation Grants (SAG) are for Vermont Licensed Specialized Child Care Programs to support a child or children’s safe and successful inclusion within the child care program. SAG applications are available to apply for monthly. CDD will pause applications for SAGs from July 1 to mid-August 2024. During this time, CDD will incorporate new changes to streamline the grant application process. The new application will allow programs to apply for supports for up to 12 months and provide additional guidance for applicants. 

New requests for grant applications will be posted online in mid-August.   

Extraordinary Financial Relief

Child care centers at imminent risk of closure, in areas with high poverty rates, may seek financial assistance through the Extraordinary Financial Relief program. 

If you believe you qualify, complete the application and submit it to CDD with all required attachments. If you'd like an application mailed to you, email us at


Application Form

Make Way for Kids

Helps programs to increase the availability of high-quality spaces for infants, toddlers and pre-kindergarteners by offering short-term financial and technical assistance.

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Program Accreditation and Re-Accreditation Bonuses and Fees

Financial bonuses for regulated early childhood & afterschool programs that have achieved national accreditation and help with the fees associated with accreditations.

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