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Reach Up Services (P2300)

Reach Up Eligibility Rules (2200s) and Reach Up Services Rules (2300s) have been updated. Some rule cites listed in the procedures have not been updated. The crosswalk of the former section and the new section of rules is available at the below links:

Reach Up Eligibility Rules (proposed modifications) and Reach Up Services Proposed Modifications

P2302 - Assigning Participants Receiving Reach Up Benefits

P2305 - Assessment

P2310 - Goal Achievement

P2315 - Work Participation Rate (WPR) and Work Requirements

P2320 - Participation Codes and Stopping the Clock

P2330 - Paid Employment Activities

P2331 - Education Related Work Activities

P2332 - WKEX and CSP

P2333 - Job Readiness Activities

P2335 - Verification and Documentation of Countable Activities

P2340 - Support Services

P2341 - Transportation Opportunities

P2345 - Good Cause

P2346 - Conciliation

P2347 - Sanctions

P2350 - Case Management Procedures with 60+ Months of RU / Time Limits

P2355 - Case Management Procedures for Temporary Absence

P2360 - Housing Case Management and Reach Up

P2370 - Social Security Specialist Referral

P2371 - VT MOMS Partnership Procedures

P2375 - Case Management

P2376 - Electronic Case Files

P2378 - Career Coach Services

P2380 - Reach Up Supervisory Case Reviews

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