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Updates From The Child Development Division: IT System and Interim CCFAP Rate Increase

February 11, 2022

The launch of the Child Development Division’s Information System, known as CDDIS, was temporarily paused in late December while the Division and the vendor building the system reassessed the functionality that was scheduled to be released. The new target to launch the system is Sunday, July 3rd, 2022. This timeframe provides the time needed to build the functionality to backdate applications, submit adjustments, establish recoupments, as well as other fund management tools.

When CDDIS launches, the eligibility for families will increase from 300% Federal Poverty Level to 350% Federal Poverty Level and families will be assessed for a family co-payment based upon the age of their youngest child in care. We acknowledge that families and providers are eagerly awaiting these changes and appreciate your patience as we continue to build this complex new system.

To provide support to child care programs and families now, the CDD will be increasing the Child Care Financial Assistance Program rates in the Bright Futures Information System (BFIS) by 20% beginning Sunday, February 13th (see the new rates (*link no longer available)). New certificates will not be automatically generated. Programs may reference their BFIS invoice for the new payment amount by child. Families may request a new certificate from their eligibility specialist if needed.
We caution programs not to build budgets for next year based upon this interim rate increase. The 20% increase will only be in place through the end of this state fiscal year (June 30th). The rate structure in CDDIS is significantly different from what people are used to in BFIS, so programs and families should think of the next four and a half months as a standalone support. Additional information about the changes families and providers can expect in July will be forthcoming.
We appreciate and thank you for your partnership in this process. For those of you that are assisting with testing our new system, you can anticipate hearing from the CDD shortly about when that will resume.