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Fingerprint Required Letters and Final Fingerprint Clearance Letters

July 17, 2024

The Child Development Division (CDD) is experiencing an issue with fingerprint required letters and final fingerprint clearance letters in the Bright Futures Information System (BFIS). In the short term, these letters will look different. The letters will contain less individualized and detailed information for each potential employee.

This issue has not impacted the processing of record check authorizations or final fingerprint clearances. CDD continues to process record check authorizations as timely as possible.

If you have any questions about what you receive through BFIS, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Child Care Business Technician or the Licensor on Duty  at or by phone at 800-649-2642, option 3.

We will update you as soon as this feature has been restored. Thank you for your patience and understanding.