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Changes to Child Care Financial Assistance Income Guidelines

March 18, 2025

The Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP) Income Guidelines are being updated to reflect the new 2025 Federal Poverty Levels (FPL). This means that some families may qualify for a lower weekly family share and some new families may be eligible for CCFAP. The changes are included in the updated CCFAP Income Guidelines available on the CCFAP for families page.  

The changes will go into effect on Sunday, March 23.

New certificates for providers will be generated and available in CDDIS after March 23, 2025.  

CDDIS downtime

CDDIS will be down starting at 12 p.m. on Friday, March 21 through the weekend. During that time, CDD will run a “mass redetermination” for all current CCFAP recipients who have a family share to determine if they will be eligible at a lower family share.  

Following the redetermination, new certificates for providers and statements of eligibility for families will be available. Providers will be able to view new certificates in their provider portal. Families will also receive an email that their new statement of eligibility can be viewed in their parent portal. The CDDIS Help Desk is available for help with parent or provider portals. Please fill out the CDDIS Help Desk Request Form for assistance.

Do not submit attendance while CDDIS is offline

Between March 21 at 12 p.m. and March 23 at 12 am, please do not enter attendance for any service period. Any attendance entered while CDDIS is offline will be rejected and will need to be re-entered after March 23. Attendance for the service period March 9 through March 22 is due Wednesday, March 26 at noon.  

For CCFAP-related questions, email



Access the CDDIS Family Portal

If you don’t yet have access to the CDDIS Family Portal, please follow these steps to create an account:

  1. Go to the Help Desk at

  2. Fill in all the required fields.

  3. For request type, select “request new account.”

  4. Click submit.

You will receive a response by email in 1 to 2 business days.

Viewing Your CCFAP benefit information  

You can access your benefit information using the login information that you received by email. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. At the top of the page, click on “CDDIS Application.”

  3.  Click on your current application.

  4. The new statement of eligibility will be at the top of the screen.

If you have questions about CCFAP or your information within CDDIS, please contact an eligibility specialist at your local community agency.

Find an eligibility specialist

If you need additional help with your CDDIS account, please visit the CDDIS support page.