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Celebrating Juneteenth in Early Childhood and Afterschool Communities

June 19, 2023

The Child Development Division is proud to join early childhood and afterschool communities, children and families of Vermont in celebrating Juneteenth on Monday June 19th.

As a department dedicated to the well-being and development of children, we believe it is essential to foster an inclusive environment that recognizes and honors the rich cultural heritage of all Vermonters. Juneteenth represents a significant milestone in our nation's history, commemorating the freedom of enslaved African Americans. By celebrating and participating in Juneteenth celebrations, early childhood professionals play a vital role in educating young minds about the importance of freedom, justice, and inclusion.

We applaud the everyday efforts of Vermont’s early childhood and afterschool communities and encourage you to embrace this occasion as an opportunity to promote understanding, respect, and a brighter future for all of Vermont’s children.

Juneteenth Celebrations in Vermont

Here is an additional resource you may be interested in exploring:

National Museum of African American History: Understanding and Celebrating Juneteenth