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Act 76 (H.217) Webinar Recording and Supporting Materials

July 20, 2023

The Child Development Division (CDD) was pleased to present two Act 76 (H.217) Overview webinars earlier this week. Members of the CDD team reviewed the major elements of Act 76, the law recently passed by the Vermont legislature that includes significant investments and policy changes related to child care and early childhood education. The focus of the webinars was helping leaders of child care programs to know what changes to expect and when to expect them. A recording of the webinar plus the materials shared are now available.

CDD's Act 76 Webpage

Webinar Recording

Presentation Slides

Additionally, we created a detailed chart that reviews all elements of Act 76 and our plans for implementation.

Summary and Status Chart

The webinar also included a request for input on the development of the “Readiness Payment” program created in Act 76. The payments aim to assist family child care programs, center based child care and preschool programs, and afterschool programs to "get ready" for the upcoming expansion of child care financial assistance for Vermont children and families. We invite the leaders of all regulated child care programs to provide feedback by July 28, 2023.

Readiness Payments Survey

Questions & Support

Our partners with First Children’s Finance are available to provide technical assistance to child care programs navigating the business-related aspects of the law.  They have created a series of Act 76 specific videos and are able to provide support.

The CDD team is also here to support in navigating these changes, so please reach out to with your questions.